Harry Potter Studio

Please click the link  to watch our film about our trip to Harry Potter Studios.   We had a great time. Thank you to Miss Hulme for making the video.  

Thoughts on Year 5…

It’s not boring at all because we get the SPaG crown, the Maths medal and the listening ears. You get to play games like Articulate!, Invisible Man (a spelling game) and the times-table challenge. Mrs Lohoar, who is my teacher, taught us how to do relative clauses. She also taught us how to write news…

😄 Harry Potter World 😄

Originally posted on Y5 Emerald Class Blog:
We visited Hary Potter World as part of our literacy learning. Having spent lots of time reading, writing and generally enjoying ‘Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone’, we spent a day at the set in Watford. It was amazing! We entered the Grand Hall and we were blown…


We haven’t told you about our SPaG royalty lately so here is the latest: Yesterday we had to share the SPaG crown out because the work was that amazing. We were really more Harry Potter and learning new words, as you do, and these two came up with some fabulous compound and complex sentences using the…

Harry Potter 2017

Originally posted on Prince Edward Headteacher's Blog:
The Y5s visited the Harry Potter Studios last Friday and had a great time. They saw the scenery, sets, costumes, props, experienced some of the special effects and tried out wand training.  Take a look:

Harry Potter!

Last Friday was our Harry Potter trip, and there is so much to show you and to tell you about. Here is just a preview…

Schedule Change for Next Week!

Just a reminder to all Year 5 children and their parents or carers: The next Why Weight? session will take place on Tuesday, 21st March, instead of Friday, 24th March. This is because we will be going on our Harry Potter trip next Friday! The next Why Weight? session will be an activity one, Year…

Delightful Descriptive Writing

We are continuing to enjoy Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (big trip next week!), and each time read, we never fail to be blown away by J.K. Rowling’s magical words. Today in Literacy, we produced some fantastic writing of our own, focusing on description. We had a picture of a boy as a starting point. Don’t…

Spring 2 Newsletter

Please click on the following link to find out what’s happening in Year 5 this half term. Of note: PE takes place on Mondays and Fridays, and the Harry Potter trip is coming soon! newsletter-y5-spring2-2017  

World Book Day

Today was World Book Day, and we celebrated in style! Children AND teachers dressed up, and every class across the school decorated its door. Can you guess what theme the Year 5 classes chose? (Ours is on the left; Emerald’s is on the right.) Here we are in our finery. There were a few themes…