Wear It Wild!

On Friday, children (and staff!) across the school dressed up in animal-inspired fancy dress to support Wear It Wild Day and help raise money to protect endangered wildlife around the world. Here are the members of Amethyst class who chose to dress up. Be sure to check out the other class blogs to see what…

Learning at Prince Edward

Originally posted on Prince Edward Headteacher's Blog:
Today, there is so much going on we just had to share it. Our children, across school are involved in so much today.  Our resident French teacher, Monsieur Barthelemy teaches all our KS2 pupils weekly. They are making excellent progress and today our Y5s were explaining what…

Artwork in Our School Hall

Originally posted on Prince Edward Headteacher's Blog:
This year our pupils in all year groups have had the chance to work with two wonderful artists from “Artboat”: Soo and Charlie. There is some amazing artwork around school and the latest masterpieces to go up are the Harry Potter sculptures created by the Y5s and…

Sheffield Music Hub Performance

Originally posted on Y5 Emerald Class Blog:
We had an amazing time when musicians and singers from Sheffield Music Hub came in and performed for us.  They told a story using words, songs and music.  The story was ‘Where the Wild Things are”. ? At times we had to join in with noises, playing instruments…

Sports Day!

Sports Day was last Friday, and what a great day we had. Thankfully, the weather co-operated! Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 were split into four teams (red, yellow, green and blue), and there were track events and field events. Year 5s ended up competing with Year 6s. The tug-of-war was certainly a nail-biter! Look…

Green for Grenfell

Originally posted on pearlY2princeedward:
Today, we were invited to wear the colour green to support the people suffering or were involved in the Grenfell fire in London. By wearing green, we show solidarity and support for the people who died, were injured or lost everything in this tragic event. A huge thank you to…

100% Attendance for the Whole Year

Originally posted on Prince Edward Headteacher's Blog:
? 33 children met a very important person today – The Lord Mayor! This is because they have been recognised as having 100% attendance for the year which is a really great achievement and one that we are very proud of. Miss French told me she was…


It was French Day today across Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, and what a jam-packed day it was. We had the opportunity to choose from 11 different French-themed activities, from Geography to History to the Tour de Prince! There was also the chance to try out different French foods, and we could dress up as a…

Environment Week

So as you may be aware, last week was Environment Week across our school, and in the afternoons, children from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 were mixed into groups to learn about different aspects of the environment. When we worked with the Year 5 teachers, we learned about endangered animals and then had the chance…

Environment Week

Originally posted on Y6 Class Blog:
This week is extra special throughout Prince Edward School, not only because it’s the last week of half term, but also because it’s Environment Week! What is Environment Week? Lets ask some Year Sixes what they think Environment Week is all about… Majida – “It could be helpful because…