Week 1 of Lockdown Learning

Last week, as the country was put into a national lockdown, Amethyst class began learning remotely once again. The attitude of the class towards their learning has been tremendous and Mr Little has been incredibly proud of them. While at home, the children have enjoyed live maths and literacy lessons every morning and a topic…

Star of the Week

This week’s Star of the Week has made a great impression on the adults in class. He is kind, polite and a role model to his peers. Well done!

Star of the Week

Last week’s Star of the Week really impressed the adults in Amethyst class with her polite and friendly attitude. She is always ready to learn and always tries her best.

Star of the Week

This week’s star of the week impressed Mr Little with his attitude to learning. He has given his all with every task and we are all really proud of him.

Star of the Week

This week’s star of the week impressed Mr Little with his attitude to learning. He has given his all with every task and we are all really proud of him.

Star of the Week

This week’s Star of the Week has impressed adults with his change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. This superstar now approaches tasks with effort and determination and accepts that making mistakes is an important part of learning. Well done

Star of the Week

Our Star of the Week has been consistently fantastic since the start of the year. She consistently tries her best and is consistently kind and polite to others. Well done!

Star of the Week

This week’s Star of the Week is always kind and always polite. This week she has demonstrated her sensible and mature attitude. Well done!  

Last Week’s Superstars

It was Year 5’s Special Mentions last week, and here are the children Amethyst class celebrated: The winner on the left has been amazing in Maths (column addition) and Literacy (mystery writing) and has also been so helpful to others. This is so important, so thank you! The winner in the middle, meanwhile, has blown…

Better Late Than Never… Superstars x2!

We have been so busy with our learning these past two weeks that we haven’t had a chance to update you! First off, our Mathematician of the Week (left) for 29th September was chosen because he persevered with some tricky place-value work and then helped his partner (right). His partner went on to push herself…