Another Solar System!

Hot on the heels of our Earth and Space work and our trip to the University of Sheffield, there is news of another solar system and SEVEN Earth-like planets. Check it out!

Last Week’s Superstars

Here are last week’s Mathematician of the Week (left) and Star of the Week (right). Our Mathematician has been using his place-value knowledge to solve tricky number problems, and our Star has worked hard across the board. Well done, you two!


Year 5 visited the University of Sheffield today to work with the university’s Women in Engineering group. First we had a go at a virtual-reality game based on a book by Women in Engineering and the university. Afterward, we headed over to the university’s Diamond building to learn more about Engineering and explore the labs….


We have been learning violins since September, and we have been working so hard! Yesterday we showcased our talents in a concert for peers as well as family and friends. What a great morning! If you are interested in taking part in any more music activities, there are loads of things going on around Sheffield,…

This Week’s Superstars

Here we have our Mathematician of the Week (left) and our Star of the Week (right). Our Mathematician is a rounding master and has been using her skills to solve tricky puzzles, while our camera-shy Star has worked hard all week, across the board, head down. Mrs Lohoar is very proud, you two! We also…

Safety Week at Prince Edward

Originally posted on Prince Edward Headteacher's Blog:
All week our pupils have been working with different teachers in school experiencing varied and worthwhile lessons and activities associated with all things safety. I worked with one of my Y3 teachers to look at E-Safety and in particular, online chat rooms. Mr Little worked with all…

Speak Out, Stay Safe

As part of our school Safety Week, we had an assembly this morning about how to help protect children from any type of abuse. The assembly was delivered by the NSPCC, a charity that is ‘taking on the fight for every childhood’. We talked about how hard it is for children to carry around a…

Safety Week

This week was Safety Week at Prince Edward Primary School, and each year group participated in different activities tied to various aspects of safety. The Year 5s and 6s had four different workshops over two days, including one on e-safety with Mrs Lohoar, and on Tuesday, which was Safer Internet Day around the world,  there…

Alive and Kicking

Earlier this half term, Year 5 started working with Chris from Alive and Kicking, which is part of Sheffield’s Why Weight? healthy-lifestyle programme. One week, we learn about healthy eating; the following week, we do some physical activity. During our first classroom session a couple of weeks ago, we learned about the Eatwell plate, which helps…