Crumbles in computing

We have started a new programming unit in computing. We have started to use a microcontroller called a crumble. In the first lesson we had to create a circuit which included a crumble and a sparkle. Once our circuit was complete the sparkle flashed and we were able to start programming it ourselves. We had…

Lockdown Learning

The last few months have been strange for everyone as our lives were completely changed. However, nothing could stop the superstars in Amethyst class continuing their learning. Each day, we receive a range of home learning tasks and Mr Little has been amazed by the high standards of our home learning. Here is just a small…

Evaluating Web Sites in Computing

This half term in Computing, Year 5s are learning about the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web and about Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web in 1989.  We are also learning about how we collaborate online and how revolutionary the Internet and the World Wide Web have been. Today…


This half term, we are learning about rainforests. Next week, we will write a report about them, so today we worked with a partner to do some research using the Oddizzi web site. We worked on our note-taking skills, and Mrs Lohoar and Mrs Kirk were really impressed with our co-operation and team work. If…


Having learned about algorithms last week, we had another go with Scratch this week. We are learning the basics now so that we can develop our own programmes by the end of the year. By the way, learning about algorithms has really helped us (and Mrs Lohoar!) be more explicit with our instructions across our…


In Computing this term, we will be learning how to program using Scratch. Earlier this week, we had a play, just to see what we could do, and yesterday we learned about algorithms so we will be ready to try some programming next week. Here were are writing our own algorithms and seeing whether our…