Farewell, Mary Rose

Welcome back to our newsroom. We have finally published our reports on the sinking of the Mary Rose. Henry VIII was crestfallen as he watched his prized vessel capsize, he told witnesses at the scene. In other news, the king solemnly sat for a portrait following the tragedy. The Mary Rose will be sorely missed.

This Week’s Superstars

It was Year 5 mentions this week, and here are the children we celebrated: On the left, we have the recipient of a bronze certificate for Excellent Effort. She has worked so hard in Literacy and Maths this week, and she’s also been a great help to her peers when they have got stuck. Meanwhile,…

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Welcome to our busy newsroom! Year 5 have been learning all about the Tudors this half term, and as part of our Literacy learning, we have been working on news reports. Just this week, our cracking team wrote news stories about the sinking of the Mary Rose, Henry VIII’s favourite battleship. Here are a few…

This Week’s Superstars

Here are this week’s superstars. Our Star of the Week (left) may be a bit shy, but she’s been absolultely bursting with ideas about the Tudors this week. She has also really shone in her Maths, growing in confidence by the day. Our Mathematician (right) has also done some fantastic work in Maths this week,…

What Makes a Good Leader?

We have been studying the Tudors this half term, and today we were posed a question by Mrs Lohoar: What makes a good leader? We have learned a bit about King Henry VIII and what kind of leader he was. We know that some people think he was one of the greatest monarchs in British…